Teaching Job Vacancies for Development Officers
Development Officers to Recruit as Teachers 2023

Efforts are being made to transfer development officers working in the government sector to the teaching field. Around 40,000 such development officers currently work in the public sector, with some serving as trainee teachers in schools. The Education Ministry plans to quickly absorb these individuals who meet the necessary qualifications into the teaching profession.
To fill the vacancies for graduate teachers in schools, the Examinations Department will be administering a nationwide enrollment examination, as recommended by the Public Service Commission. Based on the results of the examination, teaching appointments will be offered at the provincial level at the start of the 2023 academic year, in March.
These appointments will be probationary, and once the development officers obtain their teaching diplomas, they will be confirmed in their positions. The Public Service Commission has set an age limit for the recruitment of graduates into the teaching service, as specified in the Teachers’ Service Constitution.
The Education Ministry’s goal is to provide quality education to students by recruiting highly trained teachers. Recruitment will be done in accordance with the Teachers’ Service Constitution and the recommendations of the Public Service Commission. Provincial authorities also have the authority to recruit graduate teachers for open positions at the provincial level.

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